11 October 2009

fool me once. . .

or: was it that i was The Fool, once? hard to say. all i know is that i WAS paying money -- all of $5 a month, or something like that -- to have a blog hosted on another site. . . doesn't matter which one, does it, really? it's just funny to me -- now, thinking about it -- that i was paying for something that should have been free to begin with. . . it was dave felton -- i pray that you know who he is -- who laughed at me when i told him that my blog was down because i could not afford it anymore. . . he laughed, and said "BLOGSPOT, man!. . . it's FREE!"

so: here we are, free at last. . . or was it free at first? matters not.

plan, the first: let's keep this blog going, you & i, you beautiful losers. . . we don't have to tell anyone, we don't have to advertise, we just have to post. . . and link to things, i guess. . . & things will just, well. . . things will just sorta build themselves, won't they? we hope, for sure. . . i can only imagine the day that someone actually reads any of this: i imagine i'll feel somewhat like the little girl in "Poltergeist:" "They'rrrreee heeeeerrrreeeeee. . . . " . . .so creepy.

coming tomorrow: "Did I REALLY See a Preview For A "Nightmare on Elm Street" Prequel -- A Preview That Started With the Tagline/Credit 'A Michael Bay Production'? My God, Have the Zombies Taken Over? Are They Parading Around Disguised As Movie Producers? Please God Help Me. . . " [but that's for tomorrow. . . ]